Hatching new scientists every day!

Week 2: Comparing Sounds

This week, children focus more deeply on describing, comparing, and contrasting sounds. They’ll continue exploring how sounds vary by volume (loud and soft), and discover how they can also vary by pitch (high or low). They’ll learn to identify loud, soft, high, and low sounds within their own homes and neighborhoods. They’ll also investigate whether sounds seem different when they travel through tubes and hoses, and begin to make a connection between sound and vibrations. 

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Morning Circle

25 – 35 minutes

Read and Discuss: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound

(15 – 20 min.)

Explore and Play: Sing Loud and Soft, High and Low

(10 – 15 min.)

Watch and Discuss: Chirp, Chirp, Tweet, Tweet, Chirp

(15 – 20 min.)

Explore and Play: Chirp, Chirp, Peep, Peep, QUACK!

(10 – 15 min.)

Watch and Discuss: Sounds Like . . .

(15 – 20 min.)

Explore and Play: Opposite Sound Game

(10 – 15 min.)

Read and Discuss: City Lullaby

(15 – 20 min.)

Explore and Play: Wheels on the Bus

(10 – 15 min.)

Read and Discuss: Night in the Country

(15 – 20 min.)

Explore and Play: Shhh! Whisper

(10 – 15 min.)

Learning Centers

15 – 30 minutes

Guided Activity

20 – 30 minutes

Different Voices

(20 – 30 min.)

Listening Through Tubes

(20 – 30 min.)

Talking Through Tubes

(20 – 30 min.)

Shake and Listen

(20 – 30 min.)

String Earphones

(20 – 30 min.)

Closing Circle

10 – 15 minutes

Share the Day’s Discoveries

(20 – 25 min.)

Share the Day’s Discoveries

(10 – 15 min.)

Share the Day’s Discoveries

(10 – 15 min.)

Share the Day’s Discoveries

(10 – 15 min.)

Share the Week’s Discoveries

(10 – 15 min.)

Day 1

Day 1

Last week children were introduced to loud and soft sounds; today they’ll continue these explorations as well as discover another way of describing sound: pitch (high/low sounds).  

Day 2

Day 2

Today children continue to explore loud and soft sounds, as well as those that are high and low. They’ll also investigate whether listening through different types of tubes changes the sounds they hear. 

Day 3

Day 3

Yesterday children listened through tubes indoors; today they’ll build on these experiences by exploring tubes outdoors and talking through them. 

Day 4

Day 4

Today children will closely compare and contrast sounds, expanding their abilities to make distinctions between loud, quiet, high, and low sounds. They’ll also identify the pitch and volume of everyday sounds in their environment. 

Day 5

Day 5

Yesterday children explored the sounds of a city during the day; today they’ll explore the sounds of the country at night. They’ll also begin to understand a connection between sound and vibration.