- A Peep of a Different Color (video)
- chart paper with heading “Mixing New Colors”
Key Science Concepts
- A single color can have different shades from very light to very dark.
- Two or more colors can be combined to make a new color.
Before you watch: Tell children that Peep, Chirp, and Quack have an adventure in which they jump into different cans of paint and change their colors. Ask children to see if the video reminds them a little of the book, The Color of Us. The book was about the different beautiful colors people can be. The video is about birds of different colors. Ask children to notice which characters like being different, and which ones don’t.
After you watch: Children may have noticed that Quack was a little afraid of changing color, but Chirp and Peep thought it was fun. Ask:
- What discoveries do Peep and Chirp make as they play in the paint?
- What happens each time Quack jumps into a different color of paint?
- Quack said he’s blue, but Chirp said Quack is purple. What do you think? Are purple and blue sometimes hard to tell apart? Why do you think that is?
Reflect and Share
Tell children that last week they focused on different shades of the same color. This week they’ll explore what happens when we mix different colors together. Start a chart with the heading “Mixing New Colors” and ask children to share what they’ve discovered about mixing colors. Write children’s responses on the chart, and return to the chart each day over the course of the week. As the week progresses, add a visual record of the colors children mix, and what the results were. For example,
Blue + Yellow = Green
Write down any creative names that children offer out of their own observations—blue-ish green, purple-y blue, reddish brown, yellowish green.
Keep last week’s chart nearby, “Colors Around Us,” and continue to add children’s thoughts.