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Share the Week’s Discoveries

Review the main science themes of the week.

Go over the “Our Ideas About Sound” chart. Also use any charts and recordings completed during the week to help children recall their experiences with sound. Among other ideas, the chart will touch upon these themes:

Being Quiet and Listening: Ask children to recall activities in which it was important to be quiet in order to listen (for example, Listen for a Minute, the listening walks, Quiet Time). Ask, What sounds do you think you heard that you might have missed hearing if you hadn’t been so quiet? What are some times when you like being quiet? When do you like being noisy? Why do you think it’s hard to be quiet sometimes?

Tracking Down Sounds: Ask children to describe experiences in which they figured out what made a sound, even if they couldn’t see where that sound was coming from (for example, Sound Detectives or Where’s Quack?, the listening walks).

  • What mystery sounds did you hear? How did you figure out what was making that sound?
  • Were you able to trace some of these mystery sounds to their source? What happened when you played Mystery Alarm earlier today—how did you find out where the sound was coming from?

Loud and Quiet Sounds: Remind children that on one day they explored very quiet sounds, but on the next day they made lots of loud sounds. Ask:

  • Is there a way to make a quiet sound louder? How?
  • What about making a loud sound quieter—how could you do that?  
  • What are some of your favorite loud sounds? What about some of your favorite quiet sounds?
  • Have you heard teachers or parents say, “Please use your indoor voice,” or “It’s ok to use your outdoor voice?” What do you think they mean? Why would an indoor voice be quieter? Why do you think an outdoor voice would be louder?